• Softside luggage is typically made from fabrics like nylon, polyester, or ballistic nylon, which are known for their flexibility and lightweight properties.
  • Hardside luggage is made from rigid materials like polycarbonate, ABS, or aluminum, offering superior protection and resistance to water and moisture.
  • Softside luggage is generally lighter and more maneuverable, while hardside luggage has enhanced security features and easy organization.
  • Consider factors such as trip duration, travel destination, type of travel, budget, and personal preferences when choosing the right luggage for your needs.

Embarking on a Journey: Softside vs Hardside Luggage 🧳

Picture this: You're about to embark on an exciting journey, the destination of your dreams. The itinerary is set, the tickets are booked, but there's one last decision that's causing a bit of a stir - choosing the right luggage. It's a face-off between the softside and the hardside, a luggage showdown that has travelers split down the middle. But which one is the best carryon luggage for business travel? Or perhaps the best luggage for travel in general?

Each contender has its loyal fans, each swearing by their choice. The softside luggage, with its flexibility and lightweight charm, has been a classic choice for many. But then, there's the hardside luggage, boasting durability and a modern aesthetic that's hard to resist. It's a bit like choosing between a classic novel and a modern bestseller, isn't it?

Don't fret, intrepid explorer. Consider this article as your ultimate suitcase showdown. We'll investigate the merits of softside and hardside luggage, and touch on everything from luxury luggage sets to travel-friendly lightweight options. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned globetrotter or a newbie adventurer, sit comfortably and let us navigate you through the suitcase selection process. Ready to journey with us?

Before we dive in, you might find it helpful to brush up on some luggage basics. Check out our articles on the best luggage brands, soft-sided vs hard-sided luggage, and hard shell vs soft suitcases. Or perhaps you're interested in how different luggage types fare in specific situations, like choosing luggage for a cruise vacation.

Split image of softside and hardside luggage

Softside Luggage: A Nostalgic Look Back at its Reign 👑

As we journey down memory lane, it's clear that softside luggage was once the darling of the travel world. But why was it so popular? The answer lies in its unique features that resonated with the needs of globetrotters from all walks of life.

Notably, softside luggage has been a top pick for business travel. Thanks to its feather-light nature, it's easy to carry around airports, train stations, and city streets. What's more, softside luggage's expandability gives you that extra room for souvenir shopping or unanticipated packing requirements.

And let's not forget about its easy handling. With soft exteriors that could squeeze into tight overhead compartments or under seats, softside luggage was a dream for those who preferred to keep their belongings close at hand.

However, like all good things, the reign of softside luggage had its sunset. With the advent of modern technology and changing consumer preferences, a new contender emerged on the travel scene: hardside luggage. But does this mean the end for softside luggage? Or does it still hold a place in the luggage comparison guide? Let's find out as we continue our luggage showdown.

Vintage photo of travelers with softside luggage

Hardside Luggage: The Modern Traveler's Armor 🛡️

As we journey through the annals of travel history, the evolution of hardside luggage is a tale worth telling. Once considered the bulky, cumbersome cousin of the more nimble softside suitcase, hardside luggage has undergone a transformation worthy of a Hollywood makeover. Today, it stands tall as the best luggage for travel, particularly for those seeking durability and style.

But what makes hardside luggage the modern-day gladiator of the travel arena? First, it offers unparalleled protection for your precious cargo. Whether you're packing a fragile souvenir or your best carryon luggage for business travel, the sturdy exterior of a hardside suitcase acts as an impenetrable fortress against the knocks and bumps of transit.

Second, hardside luggage has kept up with the times, embracing the trend for lightweight luggage options. No longer the weighty beast of yesteryears, today's hardside cases are crafted from light yet robust materials such as polycarbonate and aluminum.

Finally, let's not forget the style quotient. With sleek lines and a glossy finish, hardside luggage is the epitome of modern aesthetics. From basic black to bold prints, the wide variety of designs cater to every traveler's taste, making it a popular choice in luxury luggage sets.

Has the evolution of hardside luggage propelled it to the top spot in the luggage world? Or does the softside model still hold a few cards to play? Let's scrutinize this fascinating contest further.

Variety of modern hardside luggage in different designs and colors

Battle of the Bags: Softside vs Hardside Luggage 🔍

On the quest of selecting the perfect luggage, you're bound to stumble upon the never-ending debate of softside versus hardside. Both have staunch supporters, each swearing by their choice of champion. But who takes the crown for the best carryon luggage for business journeys? Or the top luggage for travel, in general? Let's step into the battlefield and find out.

Softside luggage, with its lightweight charm and expandable nature, was once the heartthrob of the luggage world. It was the go-to choice for many travelers, thanks to its easy handling and flexibility. No wonder it was the star of many travel luggage recommendations. But like all stars, it had its fall.

Enter hardside luggage. With its modern aesthetics and promise of durability, it quickly won over travelers. It offered a sturdy shield for fragile items, and its evolving designs made it a trendy choice. But is it really the best option? Or is it just a passing trend in the ever-changing world of luxury luggage sets?

We'll compare these two contenders based on durability, weight, price, and looks. Will the nimble softside make a surprising comeback? Or will the robust hardside maintain its reign? Stick around as we unfold the story in our comprehensive luggage face-off guide.

Softside vs Hardside Luggage: A Comprehensive Comparison

Having discussed the history and transformation of both softside and hardside luggage, let's now examine a detailed comparison. We'll discuss key factors like weight, durability, expandability, price, and design.

FeaturesSoftside LuggageHardside Luggage
WeightUsually lighter, easier to carry and maneuverCan be heavier due to the materials used
DurabilityLess durable, but can withstand rough handlingHighly durable, can resist impacts and harsh conditions
ExpandabilityExpandable compartments, offers more flexibility in packingNon-expandable, fixed storage space
PriceGenerally cheaperCan be more expensive due to the materials and construction
DesignCasual and classic designs, more color optionsSleek and modern designs, limited color options

This table outlines the primary differences between softside and hardside luggage. They both have their unique strengths and weaknesses. In the following section, we'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of each luggage type.

The Good, the Bad, and the Luggage: Pros & Cons of Softside and Hardside 🎭

You've evaluated softside and hardside luggage. You've deliberated on the balance between feather-light agility and tough-as-steel durability. You've assessed the pros and cons, yet you're still undecided. What if I told you that your ideal travel buddy might not be a straightforward choice between softside and hardside?

Let's take a stroll down the middle lane. Imagine a hybrid—the best of both worlds. The flexibility of softside luggage, with pockets aplenty for all your essential travel accessories. Yet, it also boasts the sturdiness of hardside luggage, providing a protective shell for your valuables. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?

But before you rush off to the nearest store, remember: the best luggage for travel is one that suits your needs. Are you a business traveler needing the best carryon luggage for business travel? Or perhaps you're an occasional holidaymaker who values aesthetics and luxury luggage sets? Or maybe, just maybe, you're a bit of both?

No matter your travel requirements, keep in mind that selecting the right luggage is a journey itself. It's about discovering that perfect travel mate who suits your style, fulfills your needs, and can withstand the highs and lows of your adventures. Are you set to start this journey? Let's navigate deeper into the world of luggage and discover your perfect match.

Pros and Cons of Softside Luggage

  • Pros:
    • Flexibility: Softside luggage is typically more flexible than hardside, allowing you to squeeze in that extra item or two.
    • Expandability: Many softside luggage options come with expandable zippers, offering extra storage space when needed.
    • Lightweight: Softside luggage is often lighter than hardside, making it a great choice for those who prefer to travel light.
    • Easy to Handle: The soft material makes these bags easier to handle, especially in tight spaces like car trunks or overhead compartments.
    • Exterior Pockets: Softside luggage usually has exterior pockets, providing convenient access to items you may need to reach quickly.
  • Cons:
    • Durability: Softside luggage may not offer the same level of protection for your belongings as hardside luggage, especially for fragile items.
    • Weather Resistance: Softside luggage is generally less resistant to harsh weather conditions compared to hardside luggage.
    • Stain and Tear: Softside luggage is more prone to stains and tears, especially when frequently used or mishandled.

Pros and Cons of Hardside Luggage

  • Pro - Durability: Hardside luggage is typically more durable and resistant to impacts, making it ideal for protecting fragile items.
  • Pro - Weather Resistance: Hardside luggage offers superior protection against harsh weather conditions, keeping your belongings dry and safe.
  • Pro - Modern Aesthetics: With a sleek and modern design, hardside luggage often comes in a variety of colors and patterns, appealing to the style-conscious traveler.
  • Con - Weight: Hardside luggage is generally heavier than its softside counterpart, which may be a disadvantage when considering airline weight restrictions.
  • Con - Flexibility: Unlike softside luggage, hardside luggage doesn't offer much flexibility, making it harder to squeeze into tight spaces or overhead compartments.
  • Con - External Pockets: Hardside luggage usually lacks external pockets, which can limit your ability to quickly access items like travel documents or snacks.

Switching Sides: What Happens When You Go from Softside to Hardside? 🔄

You're a long-time lover of softside luggage, valuing its featherweight allure and its knack for expanding to pack in those impromptu souvenirs. But there's this pull towards the crisp, contemporary appeal of hardside luggage. Count yourself among the many considering this pivot, with experiences as diverse as the luggage styles they've opted for.

Take, for example, Sarah, a frequent business traveler who once swore by her Samsonite softside carry-on. She loved its easy accessibility and the way it conformed to tight overhead compartments. But after a switch to hardside luggage, she's become a convert, praising its durability and the peace of mind it provides when carrying fragile items.

Or consider Tim, an adventure traveler who used to prefer softside luggage for its flexibility. The transition to hardside luggage was a revelation for him. He found that the best luggage for travel was actually a hardside case, offering superior protection for his gear and standing up to the rigors of his adventurous itineraries.

Selecting your ideal luggage can be as personal and unique as your own travel tales. Will you take the plunge and transition from softside to hardside, or continue your allegiance to the softside camp? Remember, there are no wrong choices, only the perfect fit for your distinct travel requirements.

Now, let's hear from some real travelers who have made the transition from softside to hardside luggage. Their experiences and insights could provide valuable information to help you make your decision.

After watching this video, you should have a better understanding of what to expect when switching from softside to hardside luggage. Now, let's move on to the next section where we will provide some tips on how to choose between softside and hardside luggage based on your individual travel needs.

Your Perfect Travel Partner: Choosing the Right Luggage for You 🎯

We're about to traverse the universe of luggage, where two giants reign supreme - softside and hardside. It's a long-standing tussle, each choice having its own tribe of fans. What makes one the top carry-on luggage for business travel? Or the prime luggage for travel overall? Is it their resilience, agility, weight, or aesthetics?

Visualize yourself at the airport's luggage carousel, surrounded by a flurry of identical suitcases. Then you see it - your own. Is it the softside luggage with its flexible boundaries and hassle-free handling? Or is it the hardside luggage, boasting its chic design and durability assurance? The right luggage selection goes beyond a mere choice. It's about finding a trustworthy travel companion for your journeys, through thick and thin. Ready to weigh the merits and demerits of softside and hardside luggage? Off we go!

Softside vs Hardside Luggage: Which Is Right for You?

This quiz will help you identify which type of luggage suits your needs the most based on your travel habits and preferences.

Travel in Style: The Best Softside and Hardside Luggage Picks 🏆

As we venture into the domain of the best luggage for travel, we will examine some of the leading softside and hardside luggage options available online. Ever wondered why some travellers staunchly vouch for hardside luggage, while others wouldn't think of travelling without their reliable softside allies? It all boils down to individual preferences and travel necessities.

If you're seeking the best carryon luggage for business travel, a sleek and durable hardside option might be your go-to. These cases are renowned for their robust exteriors, perfect for protecting your laptop and important documents. On the other hand, if flexibility is your priority, a softside luggage, with its expandability and easy-to-squeeze-into-overhead-compartments feature, could be your travel soulmate.

Are you leaning towards luxury? Luxury luggage sets are available in both softside and hardside varieties, with high-end brands offering exquisite designs and top-notch materials. Or perhaps you're a light packer? There's a myriad of lightweight luggage options waiting to make your travel experience a breeze.

Whether you have a penchant for hardside, a soft spot for softside, or you're still on the quest for choosing the right luggage, remember: the ultimate luggage is the one that accompanies you perfectly on your unique journey. Eager to find your ideal travel sidekick?

Your Journey, Your Choice: Wrapping Up the Luggage Debate 🌍

And there you have it, fellow wanderers, the grand showdown between softside and hardside luggage has been quite an adventure. We've travelled through the past, present, and future of these travel stalwarts. You might be pondering, "Which one is my perfect travel match?"

Well, is it the malleable charm of softside luggage that tugs at your heartstrings? Its ability to squeeze into those last-minute storage spaces or its feather-like weight that makes it one of the best lightweight luggage options?

Or perhaps it's the robust, unfazed hardside luggage that calls to you. Its stoic, unyielding nature ready to protect your treasures from the trials of travel. Is it the durability that has you sold or its chic, modern aesthetics?

Whether you're a softside supporter ready to set off on your upcoming escapade with the finest carry-on luggage for business travel, or a hardside aficionado eyeing luxury luggage sets, remember, it's your journey, your luggage, your decision. But irrespective of your choice, relax knowing each has its unique flair, its personal story, its individual strength to add to your travel saga. Eager to decide and start your own tale?

Recommended Products

SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage, Black, Checked-Large 29-Inch Our Recommendation
SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage, Black, Checked-Large 29-Inch
$139.99 Prime Eligible
Rockland Fashion Expandable Softside Upright Luggage Set, Purple, 2-Piece (14/19) Our Recommendation
Rockland Fashion Expandable Softside Upright Luggage Set, Purple, 2-Piece (14/19)
$34.00 Prime Eligible
Samsonite Solyte DLX Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Midnight Black, Carry-On 20-Inch Our Recommendation
Samsonite Solyte DLX Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Midnight Black, Carry-On 20-Inch
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Samsonite Ascella 3.0 Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Sapphire Blue, 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) Our Recommendation
Samsonite Ascella 3.0 Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Sapphire Blue, 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium)
Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Upright 2 Wheel Luggage, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry-On 22-Inch Our Recommendation
Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Upright 2 Wheel Luggage, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry-On 22-Inch
$144.49 Prime Eligible
Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage with 4 Spinner Wheels, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry-On 21-Inch Our Recommendation
Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage with 4 Spinner Wheels, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry-On 21-Inch
$144.49 Prime Eligible
AMERICAN TOURISTER Belle Voyage Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Checked-Medium 25-Inch Our Recommendation
AMERICAN TOURISTER Belle Voyage Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Checked-Medium 25-Inch
$128.99 Prime Eligible
Rockland Impulse 4-Piece Softside Upright Luggage Set,Telescoping Handles, Pucci, (14/19/24/28) Our Recommendation
Rockland Impulse 4-Piece Softside Upright Luggage Set,Telescoping Handles, Pucci, (14/19/24/28)
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Steve Madden Designer 20 Inch Carry On Luggage Collection - Lightweight Softside Expandable Suitcase for Men & Women - Durable Bag with 4-Rolling Spinner Wheels (Harlo Gray) Our Recommendation
Steve Madden Designer 20 Inch Carry On Luggage Collection - Lightweight Softside Expandable Suitcase for Men & Women - Durable Bag with 4-Rolling Spinner Wheels (Harlo Gray)
$139.99 Prime Eligible
DELSEY PARIS Chatelet Hard+ Hardside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Champagne White, Carry-on 21 Inch, with Brake Our Recommendation
DELSEY PARIS Chatelet Hard+ Hardside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Champagne White, Carry-on 21 Inch, with Brake
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Samsonite Pro Travel Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Carry-On 21-Inch Our Recommendation
Samsonite Pro Travel Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Carry-On 21-Inch
Samsonite Saire LTE Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Black | 3PC (CO/MED/LG) Our Recommendation
Samsonite Saire LTE Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Black | 3PC (CO/MED/LG)
Kenneth Cole Reaction Chelsea Luggage Chevron, Black, 28-Inch Checked Our Recommendation
Kenneth Cole Reaction Chelsea Luggage Chevron, Black, 28-Inch Checked
$335.00 Prime Eligible
Rockland Vara Softside Upright Luggage, Pink Leopard, 3-Piece Set (20/22/28) Our Recommendation
Rockland Vara Softside Upright Luggage, Pink Leopard, 3-Piece Set (20/22/28)
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Steve Madden Set 4 Piece- Softside Expandable Lightweight Suitcase Set With 360 Spinner Wheels - Travel Set includes a Tote Bag, 20-Inch Carry on, 24 & 28 Inch Checked Suitcases (Black) Our Recommendation
Steve Madden Set 4 Piece- Softside Expandable Lightweight Suitcase Set With 360 Spinner Wheels - Travel Set includes a Tote Bag, 20-Inch Carry on, 24 & 28 Inch Checked Suitcases (Black)
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Travelpro Unisex-Adult Bold Softside Expandable Rollaboard Upright Luggage Carry-On Luggage, Blue/Black, Carry-On 22-Inch
$178.49 Prime Eligible
Amazon Basics suitcases Softside Spinner Our Recommendation
Amazon Basics suitcases Softside Spinner
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American Tourister 4 Kix Expandable Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Pink, Checked-Medium 25-Inch Our Recommendation
American Tourister 4 Kix Expandable Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Pink, Checked-Medium 25-Inch
Travelpro Platinum Elite Softside Expandable Carry on Luggage, 8 Wheel Spinner Suitcase, USB Port, Suiter, Men and Women, Vintage Grey, Carry On 21-Inch Our Recommendation
Travelpro Platinum Elite Softside Expandable Carry on Luggage, 8 Wheel Spinner Suitcase, USB Port, Suiter, Men and Women, Vintage Grey, Carry On 21-Inch
$314.49 Prime Eligible
Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Carry-On 20-Inch, Caribbean Blue Our Recommendation
Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Carry-On 20-Inch, Caribbean Blue
$127.49 Prime Eligible
Samsonite Solyte DLX Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Mediterranean Blue, Checked-Medium 25-Inch Our Recommendation
Samsonite Solyte DLX Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Mediterranean Blue, Checked-Medium 25-Inch
$202.99 Prime Eligible
LONDON FOG Newcastle Softside Expandable Spinner Luggage, Rose Charcoal Herringbone, 4 Piece Set Our Recommendation
LONDON FOG Newcastle Softside Expandable Spinner Luggage, Rose Charcoal Herringbone, 4 Piece Set
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AMERICAN TOURISTER Fieldbrook XLT Softside Upright Luggage, Black, 4-Piece Set (BB/WD/21/25 UP) Our Recommendation
AMERICAN TOURISTER Fieldbrook XLT Softside Upright Luggage, Black, 4-Piece Set (BB/WD/21/25 UP)
$80.00 Prime Eligible
Rockland Fashion Softside Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Blue, 2-Piece (14/19) Our Recommendation
Rockland Fashion Softside Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Blue, 2-Piece (14/19)
$31.15 Prime Eligible
kensie Women's Hudson Softside 3-Piece Spinner Luggage Set, Black with Rose Gold, (16/20/28) Our Recommendation
kensie Women's Hudson Softside 3-Piece Spinner Luggage Set, Black with Rose Gold, (16/20/28)
$120.41 Prime Eligible
Samsonite Ascella X Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Black, 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) Our Recommendation
Samsonite Ascella X Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Black, 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium)
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AMERICAN TOURISTER Pop Max Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, 3-Piece Set (21/25/29) Our Recommendation
AMERICAN TOURISTER Pop Max Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, 3-Piece Set (21/25/29)
$145.00 Prime Eligible
SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage, Dark Grey, Carry-On 21-Inch Our Recommendation
SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage, Dark Grey, Carry-On 21-Inch
$119.99 Prime Eligible
SwissGear 4010 Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Checked-Medium 23-Inch Our Recommendation
SwissGear 4010 Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Black, Checked-Medium 23-Inch
$113.18 Prime Eligible
Rockland Journey Softside Upright Luggage Set, Expandable, Charcoal, 4-Piece (14/19/24/28) Our Recommendation
Rockland Journey Softside Upright Luggage Set, Expandable, Charcoal, 4-Piece (14/19/24/28)
$110.50 Prime Eligible
American Tourister Pop Max Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Teal, 3-Piece Set (21/25/29) Our Recommendation
American Tourister Pop Max Softside Luggage with Spinner Wheels, Teal, 3-Piece Set (21/25/29)
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Travelpro Runway 2 Piece Luggage Set, Carry-on & Convertible Medium to Large Check-in Expandable Luggage, 4 Spinner Wheels, Softside Suitcase, Men and Women, Blue
$269.99 Prime Eligible
Edwardo Kuhn
Business travel, airport security, finding deals

Edwardo is a seasoned business voyager, having accumulated over half a million miles in the sky. His expertise in navigating airport security procedures and his skill in scoring the best bargains on airfares and accommodations are unparalleled.

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